The Eagle Mentality Podcast

Life is from within to without ! Changing mindset through positive and creative thinking. Conquering the world through creative thinking.

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Thursday Aug 24, 2023

The human being is a creature of power without limitations in any way except by the limitation born out of his or her own ignorance about his or her nature. Every man or woman has the life principle or Source Energy that must be consciously called into action in times of difficulties. The ability to awaken one’s indwelling powers s the only route to power and freedom from life challenges. Positive thinking and faith are the keys or methods to awakening one’s powers.
“God will not have his work made manifest by cowards. Always, always, always, always, always do what you are afraid to do. Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Take a few minutes to listen to this audio for more on this topic and others for empowerment in this regard.  Please do not forget to follow, like our page and share in your network.
Eagle Emmanuel Mensah
Co-founder, The Eagle Mentality Group

Monday Aug 21, 2023

According to the writer of the book of Proverbs, “To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice”. Righteousness is simply right thinking and to think right is to do justice to all men and women. 
Believe it or not, no person will think right to fail in life or harm his fellow human being. We are here for a divine purpose; we are here to co-create with God to bring his glory to bare on earth. therefore, to think wrongly or negatively is sinful that leads to serious consequences. 
“The righteous man does not need your sympathy, but the unrighteous; he who, by his wrong-doing, is laying up for himself long periods of suffering and woe is in need of it.” ― James Allen.
Take a few minutes to listen to this audio for more on this topic and others for empowerment in this regard.  Please do not forget to follow, like our page and share in your network.
Eagle Emmanuel MensahCo-founder, The Eagle Mentality Group

Sunday Jun 11, 2023

 am not just happy but exceedingly happy for happiness is a choice and I choose to be happy.Good morning, afternoon or evening depending on where you find yourself right now.
Eagle Emmanuel Mensah
Credit to Bobby McFerrin

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022

The black man or woman has to use the truth to save him or herself: this way and no other way. The black man or woman has to think intelligently, and intentionally this time and make responsible and conscious choices. Again,  we don’t know something and that something is that, our thoughts and feelings create our realities and destinies. You create your own realities, all of it not some of it. this could be positive or negative.
Eagle Helen Mensah
Co-founder, The Eagle Mentality Group

Thursday Nov 10, 2022

Look at your situation as it ought to be but not as it is.  In other words,  talk, focus, dwell and concentrate on what you want but not what you don’t want. You don’t want sickness, lack and all that so don’t dwell, talk or focus on it. 
This mental attitude takes away fear, worry, stress, agitation, anxiety, depression, going to the mental home and all sorts of. Instead of the problems talk of the answers.
God never created heaven and earth with his bare hands but thought them into being. So you are a thought being too, thus create mental pictures, mental premises or vision boards of what you want, need or of the unpleasant situation and dwell in there till you get what you want. Again, this mental attitude takes away fear, worry, stress, anxiety, complaints, depression, negative emotions or mental impurities or junk running to the mental home and all sorts. 
Take a few minutes to follow the link below to the EMG podcast page to listen to our new audio on this for empowerment in this regard.  Please do not forget to follow, like our page and share in your network.
Thank you kindly for your time and dedication toward the African Mental Emancipation agenda.
Eagle Helen MensahCo-Founder, Eagle Mentality Group


Wednesday Nov 09, 2022

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022

Our minds are creative mediums; God will do everything for us depending on our beliefs. No limitation rests upon us; for that matter, let us not allow thoughts of limitations to enter our minds. You are not responsible for the actions and behaviours of others. You don't do their thinking or breathing for them. Each one of us is the only thinker in the universe. 
All you owe the other person is love and goodwill. To sincerely love someone is to wish the other person all that you wish for yourself and all the blessings of life such as peace, love, joy, abundance, good health, etc. but not necessarily to have a relationship with them. This frees you and absolves you from all sense of guilt and being responsible for people’s behaviours. 
Take a few minutes to follow the link below to the EMG podcast page to listen to our new audio on this for empowerment in this regard.  Please do not forget to follow, like our page and share in your network.
Thank you kindly for your time and dedication toward the African Mental Emancipation agenda.
Eagle Helen MensahCo-Founder, Eagle Mentality Group


Thursday Nov 03, 2022

Thursday Nov 03, 2022

It is an undeniable fact that there are some people in this world who are very difficult and cynical. Due to one reason or the other or their past experiences in life, they are distorted mentally and psychologically sick. They can be very uncooperative and very argumentative even when there is nothing to argue about. 
They either consciously or unconsciously want to drag you to their level. The fact is misery loves company and they are very good at provoking you or someone to be on the same vibrational frequency with them. Their inner or self-talk is, why should they be so sad and you are very happy. Either they deliberately choose to hurt you, criticize or condemn you when you haven't done anything. 
Some people choose not to smile at you even when you make the effort to. Either they make you second guess yourself or think, what at all have you done to them or what are they wanting from you? Look around you, have you experienced that in the past or are you experiencing that right now? 
This person could be your loved one such as your spouse, child, work colleague, family member, a friend at school etc. The question for you today is, what do you do when you have to deal with such people? How do you react to such people? Do you return spite for spite, anger for anger or hate for hate? If you do that, then where is your truth and understanding of life? Are you one of those people who give all the reasons to be angry and even get short of breath?
Take a few minutes to follow the link below to the EMG podcast page to listen to our new audio on this for empowerment in this regard.  Please do not forget to follow, like our page and share in your network.
Thank you kindly for your time and dedication toward the African Mental Emancipation agenda.
Eagle Helen MensahCo-Founder, Eagle Mentality Group


Wednesday Nov 02, 2022

Wednesday Nov 02, 2022

It is an undeniable fact that everyone desires not only to be happy but very much happy in life. To be happy is a great feeling that keeps one's soul at perfect peace and in tune with God to experience all the blessings God has for everyone on this planet. Being truly happy fills every vacuum or void in the human soul. 
That brings you in alignment with God all the time no matter whatever things that are happening in your outer or physical world. Your indwelling presence which is the very breath of your life within you is never sad but full of happiness or joy so should you also as His image and likeness. 
Take a few minutes to follow the link below to the EMG podcast page to listen to our new audio on this for empowerment in this regard.  Please do not forget to follow, like our page and share in your network.
Thank you kindly for your time and dedication toward the African Mental Emancipation agenda.
Eagle Helen MensahCo-Founder, Eagle Mentality Group


Thursday Oct 27, 2022

Thursday Oct 27, 2022

I say is part of life to go through one challenge or the other. Everything is a challenge, thus use your mind to think to solve it. the joy is overcoming. The problem is here and God is here too. God wins because the day or night has never failed anyone. In the past, you didn’t have the right mental attitude.                    I am very passionate about exposing my fellow Africans to the teachings of metaphysics and the universal laws and principles that govern and create our destinies and realities in our lives. It hits me to my core and spine that the whole continent is so religious to the core yet they are not aware that it is these universal laws and principles that create realities and destinies in life. It is through that we become what our Father has intended us to be.  
It is about time every African comes to know this truth and releases himself or herself from the victim, blaming games and self-pity mentality to a mentality of victory and dominion. Today, we are learning about the law of Relativity which is one of the advanced laws which has been with humanity since creation but is unknown to many especially Africans.
 This law states that every soul on earth is provided with the tests of initiations which are difficulties and problems for the purpose of strengthening the Light or Power within.
Take a few minutes to follow the link below to EMG podcast page to listen to our new audio on this for empowerment in this regard.  Please do not forget to follow, like our page and share in your network.
Thank you kindly for your time and dedication toward the African Mental Emancipation agenda.
Eagle Helen MensahCo-Founder, Eagle Mentality Group

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022

First of all, I want all of us to come to the realization that the Universe or God talks of Oneness but not separation. The Angels, Guides, Mentors, and Ascended Masters (highly evolved souls that work for God) don't see the differences in our skin colours but see humanity as one. It is simple but not complicated, you either know or you don’t. you believe or not, aware of this truth or not, accept this truth or not.No matter our different skin colours we all use the mind of God whether we realize it or not. Let me help you to understand the point I am putting across. Regardless of our differences, such as the colour of our skin and our religious backgrounds we are all able to agree to the fact that the cup on the table is white or blue if we all happen to be in a dining area and is true. We all use the mind of God, and that is why we are able to agree on something. Robert collier calls it the Universal Mind.
Take a few minutes to follow the link below to EMG podcast page to listen to our new audio on this for empowerment in this regard.  Please do not forget to follow, like our page and share in your network.
Thank you kindly for your time and dedication toward the African Mental Emancipation agenda.
Eagle Helen MensahCo-Founder, Eagle Mentality Group


The Eagle Mentality Group

About us

The Eagle Mentality group started as a group of professionals across North America and Europe who are dedicated to empowering all individuals particularly the Black race. We encourage individuals across the globe to wake up, dream big and to believe that they can become anything they desire to be through their creative thinking. We seek to empower all people to enable them to be successful in life.
Our philosophy is that every human being is God’s creation, which he declared as good. Our creator lives in us and for that matter, any individual who looks within himself will find God and will create things as our creator intended. We encourage every individual to believe that, they were born to soar like the eagle above all challenges no matter where they find themselves. Any individual with The Eagle Mentality’s mindset will thrive and blossom even in the midst of a multitude of adversaries just like the eagle.


Mission Statement

Changing mindset through positive and creative thinking. Conquering the world through creative thinking


Our Beliefs

We believe there is a universal God from which all things came from and man or woman is an expression of this universal God. We believe that man is belief expressed and therefore an individuals’ thoughts processes and beliefs become their reality. According to Ralph Waldo Emerson, “You are what you think about all day long”. With faith, determination and creative thinking one can conquer the world. An individual’s mindset is what he or she becomes, as nothing is impossible to the mind that believes. We also believe in positive reformation, as Nelson Mandela said “People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite… Man’s goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished.”


Our Goals

To empower all individuals mentally, to enable them to realize their full potentials through the knowledge, understanding and the correct application of the principles and powers of the Subconscious Mind.

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